Volunteer Lawyers Registration Form

Volunteer Lawyes Form

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”
--Winston Churchill

The legal profession occupies a special position in society. Advocates and solicitors are the key component in the administration of justice and are the bulwark between public authority and members of society. Indeed, the Malaysian Bar is statutorily entrusted with the responsibility to:

“uphold the cause of justice without regard to its own interests or that of its members, uninfluenced by fear or favour…[and] to make provision for or assist in the promotion of a scheme whereby impecunious persons may be represented by advocates and solicitors”
--Section 42 (a) and (h) of the Legal Profession Act 1976

As members of a learned and honourable profession, lawyers can effect significant and lasting positive change in society through advocacy. In furtherance of the above, the Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre (KL-LAC) strongly encourages members of the legal profession to assist in advancing the cause of justice and the rule of law in Malaysia by volunteering their services to the poor, the under-privileged and the needy. Lawyers interested in registering as volunteer lawyers with the KL-LAC should return the completed Volunteer Lawyers Registration Form to the KL-LAC. A copy of the form can be DOWNLOAD